Powerlifting Musculação // Barney Groves

Powerlifting Musculação // Barney Groves

Autor: Barney Groves
Obra: Powerlifting: Technique and training for athletic muscular development.
Editor: Human Kinetics Publishers , 2000
Formato: capa mole , 21,6 x 27,9 cm
Idioma: Inglês
Págs: 160

Observações: Powerlifters have long known that the bench press, squat and deadlift are the most effective exercises for building strength and power. Other athletes can benefit from these exercises. Athletes and strength coaches in sports such as football, track and field, and wresting incorporate these lifts to improve explosive power and overall on-field performance. This guide explains how to perform the three lifts correctly. Photographs show the phases of each lift and the proper technique within each phase in order to get the maximum benefit from the lift and avoid injury. The author explains how to combine the lifts into a customized powerlifting programme for powerlifting competitions and sports performances. The book also includes profiles of expert powerlifters as well as advice on how to eat to build strength and size, enhance performance with legal lifting aids, get psyched for training sessions and meets, and prepare for a meet.

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desporto , educação física , halterofilismo , musculação
Etiquetas: Outros géneros

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