Science, Technology and the Economic Future (portes grátis)

Science, Technology and the Economic Future (portes grátis)

Livro em inglês "Science, Technology and the Economic Future", de Susan U. Raymond. New York Academy os Sciences.

Em muito bom estado. Esgotado nas livrarias.

Portes incluídos.

"Technological change creates both challenges and opportunities for global economic competitiveness and for the continued enhancement of societal welfare. The challenges and opportunities are complex; neither will be easily met. In this book a distinguished group of government, corporate, and university leaders explores the tangle of policy dilemmas, domestic and international, which confront a technology-intense world.

The authors begin by exploring the formulation of technology policy in such areas as national security, defense and cryptography. They examine environmental issues ranging from emissions standards and the future of the electric vehicle to world population projections. They discuss ways of spurring growth in America's research-intensive industries, including a look at integrating the military and civilian technology base. Finally, they address such global issues as trade negotiations, financial services, and recent developments in Russian and China."

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Maria C.

Anunciante desde Abr. 2016
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