50 Reasons to Say Goodbye: Nick Alexander (P. Inc)

50 Reasons to Say Goodbye: Nick Alexander (P. Inc)

--- Obra em Inglês ---

50 Reasons to Say Goodbye
Nick Alexander
BIGfig Books
Excelente estado

He always ignores the warning signs preferring to dream, time and again, that he has finally met the perfect lover until, one day, he really does.
Through fifty different adventures, Nick Alexander takes us on a tour of modern gay society: bars, night-clubs, blind dates, Internet dating It s all here.
Funny and moving by turn, '50 Reasons to Say Goodbye' is ultimately a series of candidly vivid snapshots and a poignant exploration of that long winding road; the universal search for love.

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Etiquetas: Literatura

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Luís Chainho

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